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Nwaamaka Iduwe

Global Terrorism Analysis

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

This dashboard presents Global Terrorism statistics from 1970 to 2017, examining success rates based on different factors:

1. Success Rate by Type of Attack:

  • Bombs and explosions have the highest success rate at 44.6%.

  • Armed Assaults follow with a 29.48% success rate.

  • Assassination, Hostage Taking, and Destruction of Infrastructures have lower success rates of 9.68%, 9.08%, and 7.15% respectively.

2. Success Rate by Weapon Type:

  • Explosives and firearms are the most successful weapons, with success rates of 43.21% and 36.61% respectively, correlating with the most successful types of attacks described above.

  • Incendiaries and Melee (involving close combat weapons) have lower success rates.

3. Success Rate by Target:

  • As they are the easiest target, private citizens are the most targeted category with a success rate of 30.22%.

  • The military follows closely at 24.16%, most likely because they are the closest in proximity to terrorists.

  • Police, businesses, and the government follow those above with success rates of 18.18%, 15.1%, and 12.25% respectively, also reflecting their accessibility and vulnerability.

4. Success Rate by Region:

  • South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East have the highest number of cases. However, more recent data would likely rank Africa first followed by the Middle East and then South Asia.

Additional insights:

  • The Talibans are the deadliest group with 6.7k targets, followed by ISIS and the Shining Path.

  • The highest number of attacks occurred in 2014, and the total number of targets from the 1970s to 2017 was 89.88k.

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